What Is a Dehydration Headache?

What Is a


Dehydration Headache

Dehydration headaches are caused when the body loses more fluid than it can replenish, and the resulting headache is a clear sign of dehydration. Anyone can experience dehydration headaches, which can happen anytime their body loses hydration. 

It shouldn't come as a surprise that dehydration has adverse effects such as nausea or headache. Dehydration can cause headaches, making you feel run-down, fatigued, and dealing with sensitivity to light and noise, especially if it develops into a dehydration migraine. 

Many factors can lead to dehydration, such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Medications
  • Excessive urination
  • Excessive sweating
  • High altitudes
  • Hot climates
  • Having a chronic health condition

Dehydration can affect anyone, but children, the elderly, and endurance athletes are most at risk. Maintaining adequate fluid intake throughout the day is the best way to prevent dehydration.

Signs of a Dehydration Headache

The symptoms of dehydration are important to be aware of, including headaches caused by dehydration. Dehydration leads to:

  • Thirst
  • Fatigue
  • Reduced urine output
  • Amber-colored urine
  • Dry mouth
  • Low blood pressure
  • A rapid heartbeat

Since dehydration headaches are related to general dehydration, they usually include one or more of the above symptoms. Severe dehydration can also be characterized by the following signs:

  • Lack of sweat
  • Shriveled skin
  • Delirium
  • Confusion
  • Sunken eyes
  • Loss of consciousness

Although dehydration headaches are usually related to severe dehydration, some people report them as soon as they begin to feel dehydrated. In contrast to sinus headaches, dehydration headaches do not affect the face. The back of the neck is not affected either, unlike tension headaches. 

There are three main types of headaches caused by dehydration: back, front, and side headaches. It can also come as dull pains that worsen with head movement, bending down, or walking.

Dehydration can cause headaches and other symptoms. In addition to dehydration symptoms like dry mouth, fatigue, increased blood pressure, and nausea, other symptoms of dehydration may also occur. Your headache could be caused by dehydration if you have these other symptoms. You should increase your fluid intake and reduce your physical activity until these symptoms subside. Searching ‘mobile IV therapy near me’ will direct you to Pure IV Arizona where we can get you the relief you need fast. Book online or call us today.

Get Rid of Dehydration

The Best Way to Get Rid of a Dehydration Headache

Many people find that their headaches improve between 30 minutes and three hours after drinking water. To relieve the symptoms of dehydration, replenish the body's supply of electrolytes and water. Prevention is always better than cure, especially when dealing with illnesses and ailments. When prevention isn't possible, there are several ways to treat dehydration headaches safely and effectively at home.

The best way to increase your body's liquid level is to drink more water. It is even possible to drink sports drinks containing electrolytes for more relief. Nevertheless, drinking plenty of water and avoiding activities that would result in sweating are always better choices. Avoid exercising and rest in a cool room.

If you suffer from a headache, you may benefit from over-the-counter pain medication. Another option that many people find comfortable is a cold compress, which also helps to relieve pain. It can take 6-7 hours to treat dehydration completely, and if your dehydration is a result of a hangover, symptoms can last up to 72 hours.

With more severe dehydration, most over-the-counter painkillers or home remedies won't help, especially if your stomach is aching or you are vomiting. Severe dehydration should be treated medically. Suffering from diarrhea or vomiting can quickly make things a lot more unpleasant and put you at risk of severe dehydration. Severe dehydration can lead to seizures, shock, and even kidney damage if left untreated. 

Mobile IV hydration therapy is the best treatment for dehydration symptoms, such as dehydration headaches, dehydration migraines, nausea, and vomiting. Medical professionals usually use them to treat or prevent severe dehydration.

Vitamins in IV Hydration

Treating Dehydration Headaches With IV Treatments

Hydration IV therapy doesn't always have to be used for severe cases of dehydration symptoms such as headaches. You can get quick and easy relief from a dehydration headache by ordering an IV for dehydration. 

Hydration IVs are a combination of vitamins and saline solutions that will instantly boost your body. The mixture is administered intravenously so that it enters your bloodstream faster than it would if it were taken orally. 

Hydration IVs can include vitamins such as:

  • Vitamin B12 is mainly used to increase the production of white blood cells, but it is also used to boost energy and enhance metabolism.
  • Vitamin C boosts the immune system while reducing inflammation in the body.
  • Magnesium aids the body's process of creating essential proteins, along with helping to regulate its heartbeat.
  • Glutathione is an antioxidant that helps the body recover from stress quickly.
  • Zinc is a powerful immune booster. It also slows down microbe reproduction. 

Many common symptoms of dehydration can be alleviated with IV treatment, including:

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Fatigue
  • Thirst
  • Fainting

If you suffer from migraines due to dehydration, you can receive these IV treatments at home, which means you won't need to drive to a hospital or clinic. Call us today or book online to receive mobile IV hydration therapy in the comfort of your own home.

Feel Better Faster With Pure IV Arizona

You can count on Pure IV Arizona for fast, easy, and reliable home IV services. We offer a range of IV treatments in the comfort of your own home that can relieve symptoms of headaches, hangovers, the flu, and many other ailments. 

Vomiting and diarrhea, which are symptoms of dehydration, can happen suddenly. In these situations, IV fluids can instantly restore your body's fluid and electrolyte balance. 

If you are suffering from symptoms linked to dehydration, let our experts at Pure IV AZ help. We are devoted to helping you to become healthy again as quickly as possible (and with no need to leave your home). Our team of clinical professionals will come to you and diagnose your problem quickly, administering an IV if necessary, and give you full relief as quickly as possible.

A mobile IV normally costs the same as an IV at an urgent care center, or even less than an IV at an ER. The mission of Pure IV AZ is to help you feel better as soon as possible.

For those looking for hydration, we also offer the famous Myers' Cocktail. While providing your body with a dose of vitamins and nutrients, the nutrient-rich mixture can reduce stress, improve your mood, and increase your energy. The IV treatment of your choice can be tailored to your particular symptoms for rapid recovery!

Learn more about mobile IV therapy near me by contacting Pure IV Arizona today. You can book online or call us at (623) 624-8503.

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