Athletic Recovery

IV Therapy for Athletic Performance & Recovery IN ARIZONA

IV Therapy for Elite Athletes or Weekend Warriors

Athletes know better than anyone that getting the right hydration is crucial to their performance and ability to recover quickly. Dehydration leads to performance loss by:

  • Increasing the heart's efficiency by reducing the amount of blood it pumps
  • Muscles exercising with reduced oxygen flow
  • Preventing premature exhaustion

Learn how IV therapy for athletes can help with athletic performance and recovery by removing the by-products of exercise caused by

Myer's Cocktail — Pure IV AZ

Recommended IV For Athletic Recovery

For in-home service anywhere in our service areas, we recommend the Recovery IV when recovering from or preparing for an athletic event.

Combined with vitamins, fluids, and antioxidants, IV therapy provides athletes with optimal hydration and a boost.

  • Rehydration Therapy

    Dehydration can adversely affect athletic performance, and severe cases can be harmful if left untreated. Through the direct route to the bloodstream, which bypasses the stomach, IV fluids allow the body to rehydrate sooner. During IV therapy, athletes can rehydrate, get vitamins and minerals tailored to their needs, and receive any nutrients within the IV solution, which may include electrolytes, antioxidants, or amino acids.

  • Relieving Muscle Cramps

    Muscle cramps during competition pose a serious problem for serious athletes. Salt loss and dehydration greatly contribute to muscle cramps. Athletes and sports teams use intravenous fluid replacement before competitions to prevent cramps.

  • Improve Recovery Times

    In order to reduce inflammation and pain post-workout and promote faster recovery, some athletes seek out IVs that contain glutathione, vitamin C, and other antioxidants.

    Additionally, IV fluids may provide some relief to athletes who suffer from severe or moderate dehydration after exercise.

When Athletes Should Get IV Therapy

How should athletes take advantage of intravenous infusions and IV drips?

1. Post-Event for Endurance Athletics

In sports where endurance is key, an athlete is put under a lot of stress. Running, soccer, and football can cause athletes to lose critical vitamins, minerals, and water, so they must replenish various nutrients afterward. An athlete can get part of what they need with water and sports drinks, but IV infusions provide everything they need in a short amount of time by bypassing the digestive system and rehydrating immediately.

2. Pre-Event for Weight-Cutting Events

When weight-cutting or high heat exposure are involved, IV drip therapy is a perfect solution. The vitamins and minerals help by giving the body what it needs to function properly and promote weight loss. Weight-cutting sports such as wrestling, boxing, mixed martial arts, or MMA can benefit from using athlete IV treatments. The ideal time to IV rehydrate is immediately after you make weight so that you have the longest recovery period.

Is IV Therapy Legal For Athletes?

IV therapy is absolutely legal, but athletes must consult their sports' governing bodies to ensure it is allowed. IV hydration is not allowed for WADA and USADA tested athletes and athletes licensed under the boxing commission of Arizona, as they adopted the USADA standard. In some cases, IV drip therapy for athletes may be permitted but held to certain amounts or restricted around competition times. For example, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) divides its list of prohibited substances into three categories:

  • Prohibited at all times
  • Prohibited in-competition
  • Prohibited in particular sports

The use of intravenous therapy is legal, but it must be administered in quantities of 100 mL or less per 12-hour period. However, WADA has some of the strictest standards, and athletes should check with their respective governing bodies to determine if there are any restrictions.

Call Us Now to Schedule an IV Treatment

You should consult our team if you're in need of assistance with athletic recovery. IV therapy can improve your performance by providing you with optimal hydration and nutrients to help your body be it's best and recover faster. During the Arizona heat, IV treatment can also help you stay hydrated and feeling your best. If you have teammates that are interested, take advantage of our group discount.

Give us a call or text us at
623-624-8503 today.

You can also schedule your in-home IV therapy online!

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