NAD+ Infusions


IN Arizona

NAD+ — Pure IV AZ

NAD+ Infusions in Arizona

With individuals all over the world experiencing results, NAD+ IV treatment is at the cutting edge of anti-aging, detox, brain health and longevity research. Arizona IV Medics offers in-home IV infusions featuring NAD+, a molecule that is present in every cell. The benefits of NAD+ IV include brain cell protection, weight loss, lowering risk of heart disease, cancer, and more. Schedule online to receive yours today! Discover the potential benefits of NAD+ with our helpful guide. We serve a wide area in Arizona, including Tucson, Phoenix, Scottsdale, and more.


$100-$1,000 + Cost of Fluids & Add-Ins

NAD+ infusions are available in Arizona, including Phoenix, Tucson, Scottsdale, Tempe, Flagstaff, Lake Havasu, and more!

NAD+ can have many health benefits, and these infusions are growing in popularity. If you would like to know more, give us a call or send us a text message.

The NAD+ IV treatment can:

  • Help with addiction recovery (alcohol, opioids, nicotine)
  • Improve depression
  • Improve brain health and neurological function
  • Boost mental clarity
  • Rejuvenate the brain
  • Enhance energy levels
  • Reduce overall fatigue
  • Boost athletic performance and muscle function

What is NAD+?

Nicoladine adenine dinucleotide is a coenzyme that is found in all living cells. It exists in two forms — NAD+, the oxidized form, which accepts electrons, and NADH, the reduced form, which donates electrons. When the hydrogen molecule and electrons are added to the NAD+, it transforms into NADH.


As a result of its important role in DNA maintenance and metabolism, NAD+ is essential for the basic biological processes that make life possible. It works hard in your cells, those of other mammals, yeast, plants and bacteria. Without NAD+, nothing can live, and low levels can have adverse health effects. As you age, your levels of NAD+ diminish.


As a result of NAD+, the human body undergoes two general sets of reactions:


  • As part of metabolism, it converts nutrients into energy.
  • In addition to regulating other kinds of biological activity, it acts as a helper molecule for proteins.


Processes like these are critical since they help regulate circadian rhythms and oxidative stress while maintaining DNA health.

When you are ready to schedule an appointment, please check out our service areas throughout Arizona. We serve a wide range of neighborhoods throughout the state, including the following:



Our pricing covers all travel fees!

What Does NAD+ IV Therapy Do?

The NAD+ coenzyme IV therapy has a wide range of benefits since it is used in a wide range of bodily processes. The following 8 major benefits of NAD IV therapy can help clients achieve their well-being and health goals.

The following are some of the benefits and uses of NAD+:

1. Protecting Brain Cells

Neuroprotective NAD+ may protect nerves against demyelination, as well as working as a neurotransmitter that communicates between cells, both systemically and in the central nervous system.

In the process of aging, your mind can slow down and your clarity may become fuzzy as neurons lose their structure and function. As well as improving memory, concentration, and mood, NAD+ therapy helps to restore the brain by increasing neurons and protecting it against damage and toxins.

Participants in NAD+ IV therapy may experience the following:

  • Increased concentration
  • Decreased cognitive decline
  • Improved mood
  • Better mental clarity
  • Improved memory

2. Enhancing General Wellness

It is comforting to know that NAD+ is a naturally occurring molecule that you already have inside each cell of your body. Several notable benefits may include:

  • Thicker hair and nails
  • Clearer skin
  • Less brain fog
  • Increased energy
  • Generally looking and feeling younger

For instance, if you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), you might find a boost in energy from having regular NAD+ IV therapy infusions.

3. Repairing DNA

Scientists don't know why there is a reduction in DNA repairs with age. There are several ways in which DNA becomes damaged, including free radical exposure, replication errors, and spontaneous conversions. However, research suggests it may be due to a decrease in NAD+. NAD+ regulates DNA repair protein-to-protein interactions.

DNA repair is an essential factor for cancer prevention and cell survival. Therefore, periodic IV treatments of NAD+ can help prevent cancer and age-related diseases.

4. Protecting Muscles and Fighting Against Aging

As you age, your smallest blood vessels shrink and die, reducing blood flow to your organs and tissues. This reduced blood flow contributes to diseases.

  • Cardiovascular health and system
  • Muscle wasting
  • Neurological system
  • Aging
  • Frailty

It is the interaction between muscles and blood vessels that is enabled by SIRT1 and NAD+. NAD+ enhances SIRT1, enabling blood vessel-muscle communication. However, both SIRT1 and NAD+ decline with age.

By 60 years old, your NAD+ levels are around half what they were when you were in your 40s. They are no longer able to interact well with blood vessels and muscles as they once did. NAD+ IV therapy can boost your NAD+ levels and protect your muscles since muscles need a good supply of blood to function properly. Exercise does slow vascular aging, but there's only so much it can do.

8 Benefits and Uses of NAD+ IV Therapy

NAD+ IV Therapy is utilized for a variety of benefits and purposes, including:

  • Aid in Addiction Recovery

    Addiction changes the way messages are sent and received by the brain. Alcohol and drug addiction can be difficult to overcome. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that 40 to 60 percent of people who battle addiction end up relapsing. 


    NAD+ IV therapy cannot cure addiction. That said, it can help the recovery process by reducing withdrawal symptoms. It makes the withdrawal period more bearable by helping patients transition into sobriety. As an alternative to medications that are often associated with side effects, NAD+ IV therapy can be used in conjunction with counseling or psychotherapy. NAD+ IV therapy can be used to treat alcoholism, opioid dependency, chemical dependency, and prescription drug dependency.

  • Reduce Pain

    Sirtuins have been linked to inflammation and antioxidant expression in the body. Inflammation can be reduced by sirtuins which in turn, relieves pain. This process of pain reduction is fueled by the NAD+ coenzyme, which is needed by the Sirtuins.

  • Improve Cognitive Function

    In addition to their role in inflammation and pain, Sirtuins can also improve a person's resistance to stress and slow down cognitive decline. The NAD+ IV therapy makes sirtuins more active by providing NAD+ coenzymes.

    • Boost mental clarity
    • Improve memory performance
    • Enhance your mood
    • Rejuvenate the brain
    • Improve concentration
    • Enhance one's focus
    • Enhance neurological function
    • Reduce depression symptoms
  • Boost Energy

    ATP is often referred to as "molecular currency" because it is the basic energy source for our cells. Many body functions rely on ATP, such as cellular respiration, DNA replication, and muscle contraction. The NAD+ IV therapy increases ATP production in the body, therefore reducing fatigue and increasing energy. NAD+ IV therapy is commonly used to treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It is also useful in overcoming jet lag.

  • Improve Athletic Performance

    An athlete or anyone who wants to perform at their best can benefit from NAD+ IV therapy, which boosts energy and cognitive function. With more energy and a better state of mind, training and competition will enhance reaction times and overall performance. In addition, the NAD+ coenzyme plays an important role in muscle development. NAD+ IVs enhance muscle strength, helping you build stronger muscles and increase muscle mass by providing your body with the necessary fuel to fire muscles during a workout and repair them afterward. 

  • Assist in Weight Loss or Weight Management

    NAD+ is an important component of the metabolic process of the human body. NAD IV therapy can help people lose weight when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. The metabolism of aging patients slows down naturally, so this is especially useful.

  • Reduce Signs of Aging

    Sirtuins are involved in cognitive function, inflammation, and pain management, as well as their dependence on NAD+. A particular sirtuin, known as Sir2p, also plays a role in the aging process and the overall health of the body. NAD IV therapy impacts Sir2p's ability to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and reverse certain aging effects.

  • Delay or Prevent the Onset of Certain Diseases

    The research into NAD+ coenzymes continues, and more studies will be required to fully understand its effects on several conditions. Scientists have found that NAD+ coenzymes are associated with cardiovascular and metabolic problems. Low levels of NAD+ have been linked to diabetes and fatty liver disease.

NAD+ IV Treatment

These treatments are usually obtained from IV therapy clinics and rehabilitation centers, but we can bring them directly to you. The NAD+ IV therapy usually involves an infusion of 500 mg of NAD+ over two to four hours. As part of your NAD IV therapy regimen, your team can create an individualized regimen that meets your and your family's needs. An experienced nurse inserts an IV to infuse the NAD mixture slowly. While you are receiving your IV infusion, you can relax.


NAD IV treatment contains:


IV fluids

The IV contains a sterile saline solution to ensure complete absorption of nutrients, rehydrate your body, and deliver nutrients to your bloodstream.


As you've learned, NAD+ is a coenzyme your body produces naturally that's linked to anti-aging. Your NAD+ level declines as you age, but supplementing with NAD+ may help you improve various factors, including muscle function, athletic performance, energy levels, brain regeneration, and mood.

Contact Us for On Demand Mobile IV Therapy


(623) 624-8503

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